Nigerian Dwarf baby goats due this Spring through Fall! Some of our beautiful Nigerian Dwarf Goat does used in our petting zoo are expecting kids!
Prices range from $100 to $150 for baby boys and $200 to $500 for doelings. Our purebred Nigerian Dwarf kids are all sold as pets. All our females are very healthy- extremely gentle and friendly, many have blue eyes and are a rainbow of colors! Our herdsire is double registered, heterozygous naturally polled buck and the most handsome black moonspotted boy who throws tons of color and about 75% naturally polled babies. He has been shown extensively as well and has the most amazing sweet temperament with excellent conformation. We expect petite and extremely colorful miniature Nigerian Dwarf dairy goat babies and a few Mini Nubian babies this season (March through May). Deposits may be placed now for first choice or if you wish to bottle feed.

Our Nigerian Dwarf are all raised with love and TLC, they are rotated regularly through up to 19 different grassy pastures throughout the seasons and are very healthy and happy! Babies are chosen in order deposits received $100 deposit credit card to reserve your spot. The day they're ready you can come and pick which one(s) you fall in love with! Balance payable that day. Prices vary on gender, color and if we've started bottling them. If you'd like to bottleraise your baby please reserve early! We want to find the best forever happy homes for them. We often have a few young does for sale after they kid as well. Can be purchased open or bred. Please email a bit about your situation, your goat experience and the type of home you'd offer a special little goat and any questions you may have and we'll be happy to get back to you!
Nigerian Dwarf Goats are the most gentle of the mini goats. Bred to be hardy little dairy goats that trust and follow their masters. They have the sweetest milk of any goat - often fooling people that don't care for goats milk into believing it's cows milk! Their creamy, sweet milk makes glorious cheeses, fantastic yogurts and wonderful soaps. If you're looking for a personable and gentle milking goat or an incredible and hysterical pet that will keep you laughing and entertained with their friendly antics- a Nigerian Dwarf is perfect for you.
We strive for our herd to be as healthy as it can be. First and foremost we breed to better our own herd with natural parasite immunity, fantastic temperaments, good milking qualities and healthy conformation. We also focus on great colors, excellent conformation, the friendliest and calmest in temperament and health. We offer many kids for sale at reasonable cost to pet homes (generally in the $100 to $300 range). Occasionally we offer young adults and adults available - most are experienced moms! There is also a possibility we will have some that are pregnant available.
Please feel free to check in anytime for Nigerian Dwarfs, Mini Nubians or Shetland Sheep and lambs available. We expect there will be several young Nigerian Dwarf does available after kidding, some with blue eyes, all with great color!
Click to Email Sleepy Hollow Farm Nigerian Dwarf Goat Babies for Sale PA
[Nigerian Dwarf Goats for sale]
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